I want to improve my GPA. Share your foolproof methods of getting straight A’s

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So last year I had a really bad semester because my nana passed away and I was feeling down for a long time. My GPA took a visible dip due to that and I didn’t care at the time. But I am sort of back to normal now and I’d like to really work on getting as many A’s as I can so I won’t have trouble getting into grad school later on. Please share tricks/tips/whatnot you either tried or heard of. Anything helps. Thanks in advance.

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Comments: 4
  1. CrustyMcMortimore

    Ok, so I went through a GPA dip myself during the first year and here is what helped me:
    1. Take super detailed notes in every class even if the information seems obvious or too easy to you. You never know which piece of info your brain will suddenly decide to forget so better write it all down
    2. Create a review schedule and stick to it. Gradually going over the course materials is a lot more effective than pulling all-nighters 24 hours prior to the test. Trust me, been there done that
    3. Don’t wait until near the deadline to work on assignments. In fact, I always start doing them the same day I get them. Not like a 100% but good 2/3 and then just finish up/perfect it as the deadline approaches
    4. Make sure you get enough rest. Cannot stress this enough but pushing your limits is not good for your school performance. Fix your sleep schedule and take breaks when you study
    Also, my friend said it and it was like a revelation to me, you should always submit even if you didn’t finish or feel like you didn’t do your best. There’s nothing worse for your GPA than a 0. So whatever you do, avoid zeroes at all costs

  2. TreddersP

    Really sorry about your grandma. Happened to me this summer and I didn’t know how to move on, she was my everything.
    As far as school goes, I’d say work on your relationships with the professors. Don’t kiss ass or anything just legitimately show that you are interested and invest an appropriate amount of effort. I know for a fact that it worked for me because a professor I was in a good relationship with told me that my attitude and legit interest in her class contributed to my final grade last semester.

  3. Justindonutgamer

    The first thing you should do is locate your weak spots. As in what are your strengths in each class and what needs improvement. For me personally I had no problem during multiple choice tests but sucked hard in written assignments. So I practiced writing a lot and also worked with a few professional essay writers to improve my skills. It wasn’t easy but overall my grades noticeably improved so totally worth it.

  4. baba4444

    Try flashcard apps like anki or tinycards. Focus on classes you have problems with first, but do the ones you are good at too to keep your brain sharp

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