Study and time management tips

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No, you are not imagining it, there are more distractions than ever that can stop you from studying and achieving your full academic potential.
Here are our 5 tips for making sure you improve your study and manage your time better.

1. Regulate your sleep – No one can concentrate after staying up till 3am scrolling through Instagram. Make a plan to go to bed at the same time every night an set your alarm for early morning. It’ll soon become a habit and keep you alert for the day ahead.
2. Don’t try to do too many things at once – Working on one thing at a time allows you to give the task the entirety of your concentration.
3. Make a timetable – Stop worrying about what you have to do and when. Plan it out and soon you will be completing tasks on autopilot.
4. Find out about different study techniques – Work smarter not harder! Learn about the Pomodoro study technique, experiment with flashcards or other visual aids, and explore memory tricks to boost your study game.
5. Download a productivity app – There are lots of apps out there that are ready to help you plan, prioritize and remove unwanted distractions. Play around with a few and see what works for you!

Did we miss anything? What are your surefire study and time management tips?

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Comments: 3
  1. sudiptoriju

    Thanks so much for this post! I used some of these tips and I really noticed the difference. You guys rock!!!

  2. Youre_name_is_myname

    Porn just once a day lol

  3. CrustyMcMortimore

    Yeah… sleep is a problem, but I’m trying to improve slowly. I was going to bed at 4am and waking up around 11, but I now try for 1am at latest, I definitely feel better the next day.

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