10 perfect part-time jobs for full-time students

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Whether you work to pay the bills or just for some extra cash on the side, combining work and school is not easy.
But some jobs were practically created for students.
Here we list the top 10.

1. Coffeeshop barista. Chain coffee companies typically have flexible schedules and plenty of convenient locations. Plus the smell of fresh coffee is a great brain booster.

2. Online tutor. Second and third-year students already have a solid base to help out freshmen. Why not charge for that? And international students have an option to teach their native language.

3. Dog walker. Any dog person’s heaven: loads of fresh air and a pack of fluffy buddies. Need I add more?

4. Gym receptionist. Assist your local gyms with some administrative and housekeeping duties. As a bonus, you might have an option to work out at a discounted rate or even for free.

5. Virtual assistant. Most businesses went digital in the past years. Take advantage of that by remotely assisting companies from any possible industry. Main perks: you can work from home and study at the same time.

6. Social media manager. An ideal way to monetize your social media habits. There are plenty of free courses online that will make you a true pro.

7. Rideshare driver. The demand for efficient and professional drivers is always high. You can choose your own working hours and explore the city by driving to unfamiliar locations.

8. Resident advisor. This position is perfect for those who live in dorms and wish to assist the school with security and rule enforcement. You might also be asked to take care of some administrative tasks and give tours.

9. Babysitter. If you love kids and have some experience taking care of your siblings, for example, this job is a great fit. You might also be able to study when the kids are asleep.

10. Lifeguard. Work as a lifeguard at a beach or a pool if you are attending a school in the southern states or during summer elsewhere. Perks? Tanning and listening to water splashes all day long.

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Comments: 1
  1. mirazsyed

    This is a helpful list. Thanks for putting this together. I wanted to add my 2 cents to number 7. If suggest delivering DoorDash or GrubHub is better than Uber or Lyft driving. Especially if you’re a woman, but even if you’re a man, there is a risk of passengers robbing you, or stealing your car or even killing you before they do that. You can get spit on my anti-vax nutjobs or have your window smashed in or get beat up by passengers. There’s a lot of psychos out there and to put yourself in a confined space with a normal looking psycho may me the last mistake you make in your life. Picking up a bag of food and dropping it off at a front door is so much safer. Even though delivery drivers have a higher mortality rates than police, the job is still need scary than driving people around.

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