Can RAs enter without permission in your school? 2 dudes walked in on me while I was changing

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I am a 19 year old female living on campus with 2 other girls. I was alone at my dorm changing to go to work when an RA knocked announcing an inspection and immediately opened the door with a key. My room door was open I barely had time to close it when 2 guys just walked into our dorm. They opened it without even knocking 5 seconds later and they also went in to all of my roommates’ rooms without them being there.

I asked around and this apparently happened to everyone on our floor. Not everyone was naked like me but noone was asked for consent. This feels like a huge privacy violation. I get that they need to inspect the rooms but don’t they need some sort of consent? They were very disrespectful about it too when I told them I was changing one of them said they didn’t care.

I am going to send an email to housing but it’s Friday, so I probably won’t get a response until Monday. Did anyone have a similar situation? Is this OK??

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Comments: 2
  1. BulkyClick

    Depends on your school. I’m an RA in our dorm and we have a knock-announce-knock-enter policy. If people respond we tell them we need to come in and wait for them to get ready if they need to. If no one answers we just get in. Sometimes people can’t hear us from their room because they’re wearing headphones or sleeping, but we would still get their attention to ask if we can go into the room.
    You should absolutely send the email to housing to double check the policy and just generally let them know what happened. Because if I were you I would feel very unsafe and violated too. Hope you sort this out and it won’t happen again!

  2. Branden_Hanlk-_

    It is 100% not ok if you told them that you were in the room and you were indecent. They could’ve waited regardless of their policy, it’s just common sense.

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