Clear signs that you need a study break!

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In my study experience I have learnt to spot the telltale signs that signal when I need to just step away from what I’m doing and take a well-earned break. Here’s how it looks with me.

🧠🚫 Mental block/mind fog
You know the feeling β€” completing one part of your work takes double or triple the time, you run out of creativity and feel a complete mental block. You feel confused about how best to tackle your work and end up going around in circles. Completely mentally exhausted and just want to lie down.

😑😀 Feeling grumpy/irritable/frustrated
When I get like this, the nearest person needs to watch out! πŸ˜‚ Irritability and grumpiness make for lower quality, as you stop taking as much care with your work in order to just get it done.

πŸ’­ Feeling anxious
You feel like every step you take is the wrong one; you start questioning yourself and focusing on the worst-case scenario.

🀯 Getting headaches/migraines
The bright lights of the computer screen really don’t help, especially if you’re in a dark room. It comes on slowly but but can be really painful as your eyes continue to strain.

🐒 Feeling unmotivated
While feeling unmotivated can come before you even start your work, if you’re two hours in and the lack of motivation is still there, it is definitely a sign of study fatigue. There are times when it’s best to fight a lack of motivation, and other times where it’s telling you something important.

😷 Health changes (more long term)
Lack of proper sleep, restlessness, inability to take as much joy in leisure activities, and overall stress can lead to poorer health, meaning you feel unwell all the time.

πŸ’‘How does your body exhibit study stress?

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Comments: 3
  1. sudiptoriju

    Have you been spying on me? πŸ˜‚ I get all these… the thing that helps me reset is to go outside and walk around in the sun, leaving my phone in my room.

  2. ClassicScout

    My boyfriend and I have had some of our biggest fights after too much work. Best to not study together maybe :D what do you guys do to stop feeling so irritable from coursework?

  3. baba4444

    πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈπŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ Yeah… most of these are me. I also can get overwhelmed and start to cry, that’s when I know I definitely need to take some time off, maybe ring a friend or watch my favourite show.

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