Colleges feel like SCAM!!!!!

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Don’t you guys find it a little suspicious how colleges charge so much for tuition? Like okay, I understand that you have to pay the professors and to maintain buildings and stuff but like… Okay, let’s put it this way, how much does it cost to maintain a few buildings for a year? Let’s say $800K. Then let’s talk about student-to-faculty ratios – on average, it is 18:1. So average uni has 7K students, let’s say there are 390 professors, average professor salary is 90K/year, so 35M they pay for professors. The average cost of attending out-of-state uni is 20K for 1 year. Now let’s count: 20K multiplied by 7K =140 M. Where does 100M go???? Doesn’t it sound like a scam to you???

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Comments: 2
  1. AggressiveLoss8753

    A roundabout way for companies to make money on loans while drinking the tears of Americans dreaming for a better life.

  2. Lumpy_Assignment_778

    you’re saying it as its news. of course, it’s a scam.

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