Financial management case study in healthcare

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Financial management case study in healthcare

NURS4455 Module 3 Assignment 1: Financial Management Case Study

This tutorial falls under the subject category of health care. In this tutorial, you'll find questions based onNURS4455 Module 3 ...

Financial Management Strategies for Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations

Financial Management Strategies for Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations

CRC Press. 2013

In this book, a world-class editorial advisory board and an independent team of contributors draw on their experience in operations, leadership, and Lean managerial decision making to share helpful insights on the valuation of hospitals in today’s changing reimbursement and regulatory environments. Using language that is easy to understand, Financial Management Strategies for Hospitals and Healthcare Organizations: Tools, Techniques, Checklists and Case Studies integrates prose, managerial...

Healthcare Financial Management

Healthcare Financial Management

Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations

Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations

CQ Press. 2016

Now in its Fifth Edition, Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-for-Profit Organizations is the leading textbook on financial management in the government, health, and not-for-profit sectors providing a comprehensive yet practical introduction to the financial decision-making and management skills required of students and practitioners in the field. Assuming readers have no prior training in financial management, authors Steven A. Finkler, Daniel L. Smith, Thad D. Calabrese, and...

Financial management case study in healthcare
Financial management case study in healthcare
Financial management case study in healthcare

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