how can i reduce my screen time

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my screen time upped about 50% in the winter and i average at 7-8 hours a day which is insane. i feel like its really taking away from my productivity and its probably not good for me in a long run. i spend the most time playing and watching tiktok

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Comments: 2
  1. CrustyMcMortimore

    I use screen time limits on apps that I use the most. Instagram used to really suck me in so I blocked it during school hours and after 10 pm. Also making you screen black and white makes any content a lot less fun and you get bore faster.

  2. DoublesTheGreat

    Find something you can do instead. Whichever you think could benefit you. I’m talking stuff like working out, volunteering, doing extra reading, drawing, mediating, meal prepping literally anything that will take you away from the screen and allow you to do something useful

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