How do I get through this school year?

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I’ve had online school for almost 2 years now, and I don’t have any motivation to study at all…I’ve never been particularly good at school, but now every assignment is a struggle for my mental health. At first, I thought I was just depressed, but now I realize there’s more to this issue than just depression. Like I physically cannot open my textbook without tears, I hate it and have no motivation to study at all. Please share some life hacks that could potentially help me get through this school year…

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Comments: 1
  1. JustNyyz

    Same here. I realized that I have a really poor discipline because when I used to go to school, i was doing way better, but now when I study from home, I don’t even get out of ned till like 1 pm and don’t eat breakfast till like 3 pm… I am doing better now because I changed my routine, I wake up before classes, GET OUT OF BED, and have breakfast. It helped me so much to get out of my head and complete schoolwork

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