How do I study for a class I hate?

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I just CAN’T get myself to study statistics it’s so mind numbingly boring and the prof is not making it better he talks like squidward from spongebob I swear to god. But I study engineering so it’s also a very important class for my major. What should I do to get myself interested?

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Comments: 3
  1. BulkyClick

    well you can’t do nothing to the way your teacher talks but maybe you can find someone online who’s like psyched about that subject and get motivated by them

  2. CrustyMcMortimore

    If you are talking about not being able to do homework for a boring, what worked for me was breaking it down into intervals and just work my way through it. I thinks it’s called tomato technique or something when you insert small breaks into a huge/boring task.

  3. Youre_name_is_myname

    You gotta challenge yourself! Like see if you can review the notes in 10 min or less. Speed read the textbook out loud with a funny voice. Or take an artsy approach and doodle/write your notes in an appealing style so it becomes like it’s own project

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