How much free time do you get as a student?

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Spending all your time studying during your college years is just not ok. No matter what school you go to and what your major is, you should always have time for non-school-related activities. But that’s rarely the case, based on so many threads on college burnout.

Just wondering, how much free time do you manage to get in a week? And your majors in the comments, if you don’t mind.

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Comments: 2
  1. klezmeron

    I am a medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry major and I am lucky if I get a couple of hours to watch netflix on the weekend. Meanwhile my girlfriend is studying marketing and I only see her study about 4 hours total a week. The rest of the time she works part-time and hangs out with our cats.

  2. TreddersP

    computer science major and about 3-4 hours free time a day. It could be more but I procrastinate a lot when it comes to homework so it takes me a while

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