How to get ready for a midterm in one day

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1. Don’t procrastinate your tasks
If you have to get something done – start working on it as soon as possible. If you’ll procrastinate the process and do other things instead – your anxiety will go up, your task won’t disappear, so it’s a lose-lose situation.
2. Take a shower before studying
Taking a shower is like a check-in. You’ll feel refreshed and maybe even more motivated. I usually take a shower and get myself a cup of coffee – it always feels way better than to just randomly start doing something.
3. Put your phone away
That’s like studying 101. Leave your phone ONLY if you really need it for like calculations or smth like this. If you have a social media break every 10 minutes trust me, you’ll never learn anything.
4. Use Pomodoro technic
Very popular but very effective: 25 minutes studying and 5 minutes resting. It helps you not to get overwhelmed and to actually get things done
5. Prepare a list of the things you want to get done
It’s like a psychological trick. Whenever you cross out a task from the list, your brain views it like an achievement, this way, you can stay way more productive and motivated rather when you just keep everything inside of your head.
6. Don’t study only one subject whole day
You can’t be working on one task for more than a few hours – you’ll go crazy. Trust me, been there, done that. It’s not effective and you’ll lose focus over time and be just wasting your time.
7.Deep-dive into your task
Reading a textbook does not sound too fun, so what I try to do when I can is to look for more information that could be more interesting to me. Check YouTube, Netflix, and other platforms to see if they have something related to your topic. Not only is it more interesting, but you’ll also remember way more this way
8. ALWAYS take notes
You won’t remember anything after studying for 4+ hours. Even if you think you will – NO, you won’t. Taking notes will help you not only remember more things, it’ll also be helpful when revising material before going to bed.
9.Make taking notes fun
Stickers, highlighters, colors – whatever you want, make it as fun as possible. You deserve it!
10.Revise before going to bed
As mentioned before, it’s better to revise everything you’ve learned by reading through the notes you took during your study time. If you decided not to take the notes, go through your textbook or to-do list and try to say a few words about the topic.
11. Don’t fool yourself
Don’t spend 5+ hours pretending to study. Time is a terrible thing to waste, so don’t go into studying if you want to just scroll TikTok for a few hours and then call it a day. Prioritize yourself, your future you will thank you.

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Comments: 3
  1. BulkyClick

    Thank you sooooooo much!!! I used some of that yesterday and was way more productive than usual!

  2. Justindonutgamer

    Do you have any tips for studying math? Because I obviously can’t watch a netflix documentary on integrals lmfao

  3. TreddersP

    Colorful notes!!!! Yes!!!! That is my shiiiiiit. I am so extra with the notes and everyone thinks that I’m crazy but in reality it is the only thing that helps me study

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