How to reset my sleep patterns

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Hello wise community :) I am a student in my first year of college and my sleep pattern is completely fucked up. I was never great, and would usually go to bed around 12am, but with my schedule and remote learning becoming the norm, my sleep has taken a turn for the worse. I only get tired around 4am, and usually end up actually sleeping around 5…I wake up at 12pm and half the day is already gone. I want to make the most out of my college experience but I just don’t seem to have the motivation. I’m also in a dorm room and get distractions from my roommate or neighbours with loud music or talking. But actually even when they’re not there I end up playing with my phone or doing something stupid to waste my time. Even if I lie in bed at 11pm I feel wide awake. What can I do???

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Comments: 4
  1. DoublesTheGreat

    I know you said you play with your phone, but your phone might also be the solution :) Download an app like Calm, which helps you to become relaxed and less anxious, which may be the reason you can’t get to sleep in the first place.

  2. Youre_name_is_myname

    Haha I live in a dorm and know it can be hard with noisy neighbours. Buy some ear plugs. I use these industrial ones and they cut out most of the noise.

  3. Branden_Hanlk-_

    Set your alarm for 6am every morning. It’s really going to hurt for the first week or so, but you’ll also be exhausted in the evenings and will find you can get to sleep quicker. It’s how I did it, and it worked!

  4. baba4444

    Buy some sleeping pills, just don’t mix too much with alcohol…

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