How to use your study time to the max!

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Want to use your study time more effectively? 🧠

Record how you spend your time by creating an activity table. For one week note the following:

– All activities you do in a day, no matter how small.
– How much time you take to do an activity.
– What you get out of doing it (pleasure, knowledge, necessity).
– What the activity does to help you improve yourself.

The idea is that over a week you can start to see patterns where you use your time in a really unproductive way. You might think you’re looking at your phone for really small amounts of time, for example, but overall it might add up to a large amount. Of course, the idea of being “productive” also has to be balanced with allowing yourself time to simply do what you feel like.

Here’s an example of what [the table can look like](, but you can customize it with any other columns you wish to add. 👇

Another huge benefit of this activity is that you will be able to better plan manageable chunks of study. Saying you will study all day will only make you exhausted and frustrated as its an unrealistic plan that’s doomed to fail. Best to plan for 2 or 3 hours of targeted study at a time, with proper breaks of course.

So what else can you do based on the knowledge you gain from observing your activities? 👀

1. Make choices about which activities bring you pleasure, and which ones are just unnecessary distractions.

2. Plan weekly manageable study goals that take into account work, family and social committments.

3. Ringfence time for guilt-free reward periods, where you don’t think about study at all.

4. Find tasks that can be automated, such as auto replying to certain emails, setting up recurring bill payments.

These are just some of the ways that you can better utilize your time to achieve better academic results and a more manageable life in general. What other tips do you guys have? 🤓🤓

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Comments: 1
  1. mario2025

    I’m not just “playing” with my phone, I’m building my brand 😝 but seriously, I’ve never thought of doing this before, I’ll give it a go 👌

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