How to Write a Touching Short Story

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“Only the foolish, blinded by linguistic conventions, think of fire as red or gold. Fire is blue at its melancholy edge, green in its envious heart. It can burn white, or even, in its greatest rages, black.” – Salman Rushdie

When a writer bleeds words to a page, he hopes in his heart that someone will read his work somewhere and feel a connection in his soul. Every writer writes, not only to utter words, but to touch and influence readers even in the smallest of ways. We write to touch lives, to somehow make the world a better, happier, wiser place.

While it is quite natural for some authors to spend masterpiece after masterpiece, for others it is a little harder to understand how to get that edge, that hook, that element that will reach the souls of every reader and pull the depths. So, “How do you write a moving story,” you might ask; it can be simple, if you start right, young paduan.

The most important thing to remember when trying to write a moving story is to write about what you know.

You certainly know how difficult it is to falsify knowledge of an essay answer when you have no idea what the answer is. The tendency is for you to write random thoughts that seem right, and go around until you yourself write yourself into a corner.

So, write about what you know, because this is the cleanest and easiest way to start. If you write about things you have personally experienced, you can write authentically and confidently. You may even choose to think about how you would react and what you would say in a fictional situation. Find a way to channel your deepest and strongest emotions, especially those you’ve already experienced. It is often easier to start when you have a strong personal emotion and experience from which you can be inspired.

Remember that if it comes from within you, there is a better chance that you will write something great. If you need help, you can always do a little research.

Then try to use elements that are easy to relate to. Create a real character who acts in a natural way, as if she were your friend or someone you know. Listen to the way people talk and use it in your story, making a child speak like a child and an adult speaking appropriately. Try to use situations that people can relate to, such as the loss of love or the death of a friend. The more relevant your situations are, the wider the audience will be.

Don’t worry too much about how moving your story will be; it could just block you. Instead, focus on writing for you. Write because you just have to. Write because the words need to be said. Write cleanly, authentically, seeking to please no one but yourself. Whatever you write, if it’s done simply, it will affect someone somewhere. And if there is at least one, then that is enough. Just write.

Happy writing!

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