I am a future college freshman hit me with your best advice

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Hey everyone! I will be graduating high school this year and I am super excited to start college. But I am also a little worried because I will have to move pretty far and I am also a bit anxious when it comes to meeting new people. Plus I know that college is going to be much harder in terms of studying. So I want to prepare in advance and do this right. What advice would you give me and others who will be starting college soon?

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Comments: 2
  1. ClassicScout

    Two things. One, focus all your efforts on creating a balanced routine which will help you get through every day. It’s not just about school. Plan out your rest, having fun and pretty much everything else. The more organized you get early on, the easier it will be for you in the final years and then in life.

  2. ClassicScout

    And two, start career planning early. This includes doing part time to explore different industries, volunteering, asking relatives or friends if you can shadow them at work. A lot of people say college is for having fun, but these 4 or 5 years will go by super fast and you want to be left with a strong foundation for your future.

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