I’m done with essays :(

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I’ve always had some trouble with anxiety but I feel like this is different. Now when I know I have an important essay, I can’t even bring myself to get started. I get this feeling in the pit of my stomach and just feel this sense of dread. Am I just burnt out? I’m falling behind in my work and just don’t know what to do.
Does anyone have any advice?

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Comments: 5
  1. michelevit

    Considering what you said about your history of anxiety, I don’t know if it’s burnout. Have you been to see a psychologist? I see one now and then and it really helps to talk things through. Friends are good, but they can’t necessarily help with these negative thought patterns.

  2. CrustyMcMortimore

    I’m sorry to hear that you’re going through this :( What’s your fear about? That you will fail, that you don’t know the material? There has to be some kind of reason why it has got worse lately…

  3. Justindonutgamer

    I feel the same, I’ve been depressed lately and can’t seem to finish what I start, so I’d also like to hear some of the advice people have :)

  4. baba4444

    Most colleges have some kind of guidance counsellor on hand, so drop in. With what’s happened these last couple of years, I’m sure many people are feeling the same as you. You’re not alone!

  5. mario2025

    Why don’t you just use one of those services that write your essay for you??

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