Most productive way to take notes

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Here’s a deal: I have 2 days to prepare for an exam, I will have to read a bunch of info and take notes. I initially started writing down notes on my laptop (using Evernote), but now I’m wondering how effective is it, maybe writing down notes on paper will help me remember information better? Do you prefer paper-written notes or typed notes?
< Paper written notes
<Typed Notes

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Comments: 3
  1. BulkyClick

    I usually write my notes because this way, I can remember at least like 40% of the information. It is very time-consuming and annoying, but for me, it is the best way to get ready for the test

  2. CrustyMcMortimore

    I….don’t think there’s a difference? In both cases, you interact with the information. Writing stuff down on paper takes too much time, so I don’t bother doing it

  3. baba4444

    No no no listen I know it’s difficult to actually write something with your hand, but it is soooo much better for your memory, i promise!!!! Try doing it once, you’ll never go back to typing again

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