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my super geek pad!!!

Just a peek at some of my sideshow & comic/sci fi collectibles in my living room... yes, I am a major GEEK and proud of it :0)



Penguin. 2015

A remarkable life plan based on the game the author herself and hundreds of thousands of others have used to leap from trauma and setbacks to recovery and personal growth You are stronger than you know. You are surrounded by potential allies. You are a hero to others. These three qualities are all it takes to become more resilient in the face of any challenge. SuperBetter will show you that accessing this power is as easy as playing a game. In 2009, game designer and author Jane McGonigal...

The Sugar Demons

The Sugar Demons

It's time to end your addiction to sugar. Before each binge comes a hollow feeling, like an invisible hand that pushes you to seek sugar. It manifests when you're stressed, bored, anxious. Addiction makes you the tennis ball in a match between self-loathing and depression. Every binge leads to self-loathing, the self-loathing leads to depression which in turn leads to more binging. It's time to break that cycle. As a former USA Boxing Coach and current Certified CrossFit Trainer with 20...



Routledge. 2016

Organizations are facing an engagement crisis. Regardless if they are customers, employees, patients, students, citizens, stakeholders, organizations struggle to meaningfully engage their key constituent groups who have a precious and limited resource: their time. Not surprisingly, these stakeholders have developed deflector shields to protect themselves. Only a privileged few organizations are allowed to penetrate the shield, and even less will meaningfully engage. To penetrate the shield,... Reviews Reviews Reviews
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