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Advancing the Science of Climate Change

Advancing the Science of Climate Change

National Academies Press. 2011

Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for--and in many cases is already affecting--a broad range of human and natural systems. The compelling case for these conclusions is provided in Advancing the Science of Climate Change, part of a congressionally requested suite of studies known as America's Climate Choices. While noting that there is always more to learn and that the scientific process is never closed, the book shows that...

Ancient and Medieval Economic Ideas and Concepts of Social Justice

Ancient and Medieval Economic Ideas and Concepts of Social Justice

BRILL. 1998

13 scholars contribute to this survey of past discussions of the workings of economic structures and of justice in interpersonal relations, cultural institutions and the social order. They investigate the sources in each historic period from the world of the Old Testament and the ancient Greeks through to Spanish scholasticism and its offshoots in the Spanish Americas of the 18th century and relate the ideas of writers from the past to modern discussions.

Voices in the City

Voices in the City

Orient Paperbacks. 1965

Voices in the City is based on the life of the middle class intellectuals of Calcutta. It is an unforgettable story of a Bohemian brother and his two sisters caught in the crosscurrents of changing social values. In many ways the story reflects a vivid picture of India's social transition - a phase in which the older elements are not altogether dead, and the emergent ones not fully evolved. The novel describes the bitter effects of the urban living upon an Indian family. Brought up in luxury... Login Login Login
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