stress isn’t letting me do anything please help

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the finals are about to start and i feel like i’m gonna fail miserably because i’m not ready at all. everyone around is studying and its so natural for them but i feel blocked. every time i pick up a book a start overthinking whats gonna be on the test and what will happen if i fail and all that. there’s just so much pressure and i can’t handle it. what do i do?

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Comments: 1
  1. JustNyyz

    I totally get it because I’ve been there my first year. The bad news is that there isn’t one thing that will 100% work for you because it worked for me or for someone else. But the good news is that you can try different tricks and see what works better for you. Me personally I realized that I am stressed before the tests because I didn’t have an organized system to review the notes. So I came up with a plan on when and what to read and just stuck to it. It gave me a sense of control and I ended up with pretty solid results.

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