TikTok makes me feel like shit

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Each time I open that damn app i get a very weird feeling. I feel like I am missing out on everything other people enjoy, that I am the only one on this planet who lives like an outcast without parties and trips every fucking day. Here’s a list of reasons of why I might feel this way; feel free to add something in the comments:
1. I am just depressed. Other people feel way better, and that’s how they got time and motivation to meet up with friends and do fun things.
2. I am poor. People on tik-tok seem to be making like millions and living in mansions. I would feel way better too, if I didn’t have to worry about my work as a server lol.
3. They all are a part of a cult. Pretty self explanatory
4. They just pretend to be fun and active, and when the camera is off, they are just as miserable as me.

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