What can I do during a 5 min study break?

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I’m trying a new study technique where I do 45 minutes of study then a 5 minute break. Sounds good so far, but I can’t switch my brain off 😤 What can I do in these 5 minutes? Read something, play on my phone, go for a walk???

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Comments: 4
  1. Justindonutgamer

    Don’t overthink it! Then you’ll spend your study time worrying about what you’ll do in your break. Here are some of the things that I do when I have break. I don’t plan in advance, I just do what I feel like.
    1. Power nap
    2. Short walk
    3. Listen to your favorite song
    4. Do some pushups
    5. Wash the dishes
    6. Play guitar
    A lot of these involve moving your body, which can really help reduce study stress and shift your focus.

  2. lurking2be

    I go to the bathroom, make tea, or listen to a song. And I avoid social media.

  3. starwarsisthebes

    I used to get a snack but then it became a habit… 5 kilos later 🙄

  4. JustNyyz

    The most important thing is just to get away from the screen. Don’t swap your computer for your phone, get outside or at least find a spot in your room where you can look outside. It resets your eyes and calms you down. It really works for me.

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