Why does everyone like Pomodoro

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In almost every student lifehacks post, i see Pomodoro method. It became sooo popular, and I don’t know why like okay imagine: you have to study for an exam tomorrow and, for example, read 4 chapters of the book and take notes. According to Pomodoro, I have to work for 25-30 minutes and then rest for 5. Like what’s the point? Each time during this “session,” you will get through a maximum of 2 pages. Each time you get into a flow of work, the damn timer is off, and now you are distracted and have to concentrate again. I know it’s not such a big of a deal, I am just venting because i see it literally EVERYWHERE and curios if people actually like or just pretend to cuz it’s fancy and popular lol

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Comments: 4
  1. greysvarle

    The point is to have you break regularly to keep you from being exhausted.

    You can always increase the work session to 1 hour or whatever you feel good.

  2. gltchrs

    no but like i see your point, but it’s meant for maybe other types of tasks, for example, getting through a spreadsheet, where you don’t have to “get into the mood” before work and can just go straight into it. This way it is kinda motivational knowing that you have to work only for 25 minutes before your break

  3. memeolygist

    Yep I totally agree, I have trouble concentrating, and I have to spend at least 7-10 minutes before I start working in order to prepare myself for the task. I would never get anything done using pomodoro lmfao

  4. 8ricardo8jorge8

    Try it for shorter and more direct tasks, it actually is really good

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