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APA (American Psychological Association) is a citation style that is most commonly used to cite sources about articles in the social sciences. Citing sources in the text in…

INTRODUCTION: While words can be considered the individual units that make up sentences, sentences themselves are the components that comprise paragraphs. As the building blocks of prose, whether…

Seen This is the only sense that gives most details for our stories. Our words become the eyes of our readers, giving us a blank canvas on which…

First choose the topic you have knowledge about. The information you have on the subject may not be enough, so before you write, gather as much information as…

The question often arises with writers, who is the best author? Who has more wisdom? Who writes more words a day, a week and whose words carry the…

INTRODUCTION: “Creative nonfiction tells a story using facts, but uses many of the techniques of fiction for its compelling qualities and emotional vibrancy,” according to Theodore A. Rees…

For Whom the Bell Tolls portrays the typical Hemingway characters and deals with the themes of machismo and femininity. In this novel, as in many of his other…

Over the years, many people have asked me to look at their writing. “I need to know if I have talent or not,” they say. “So I’ll know…

Every scripture rated good must have these four main factors; otherwise the writing will be emptied regardless of its intended purpose. Remember that the intent of your writing…

Personal Narrative Defined: The personal narrative is a compositional piece of writing, usually employing the first person, which entails a factual event, incident, experience, or person integral to…