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I’ve got just about a month to get ready for my tests and I feel like I need to try a new approach. Last year I did flashcards…

I AM GONNA DIE ALONE if you don’t help me I swear!! The deal is I’m almost through my first year in college and I have zero friends….

Best Paraphrasing Tool!

Súper hack para tus ensayos.

I’ve got chronic depression with guaranteed episodes during late winter and mid fall. For the most part I do more or less ok since I’ve been on meds….

Exams are coming up, and I prepared a few lifehacks that saved me last semester for all of my fellow students who have no idea how they will…

No, you are not imagining it, there are more distractions than ever that can stop you from studying and achieving your full academic potential. Here are our 5…

Are you a beginning writer or an experienced author and want to establish yourself as an authoritative expert in your field of knowledge? When you enter a writing…

One of the most difficult, most frightening forms of poetry is that of the Sestina. Most poetry is currently written for free, regardless of structure and rules, but…

“Everything you need to know about writing a quality informative essay in just 10 minutes! Correct structure, writing tips, common mistakes, and a lot more! Check it out…